Y – Type Strainers
“Y” Strainers take their name from their configuration. They are most commonly used in pressurized lines, gas or liquid, but
can also be used in suction or vacuum conditions. The compact and lightweight design, and the quick and easy cleaning
ability, the Y-filter found in many areas of their deployment. They are intended for applications where small amounts of
solid particulate are expected, and where clean-out will be infrequent. If solids will flush easily from the screen, and
fluid can be exhausted to atmosphere, a blow-down valve on the drain port will allow clean-out without
removal of the screen, and without interrupting the process flow.

Y-filters consist of a housing with opposing inlet and outlet flange. Between these lines is a cylindrical filter unit, which is flushed from the inside out by the medium. All filtered components are collected inside the filter unit. Using the drain plug can relieve pressure, the filter unit and the medium can be discharged. After removing the plate, the entire filter unit can be removed and cleaned or replaced downloads.
Salient Features of Y Type strainers
Compact end to end dimension
Suitable for vertical or horizontal mounting
Efficient design for low cost
No fluid bypass
Design Features of Y Type strainers
Gross filtration area of 7 to 8 times inlet cross section area for low pressure drop
Drain/blow off connection furnished with plug as standard
Strainers meet ASME B16.5 & ASME B16.34 requirements
Blow-out gasket proof design for effective gasket sealing
Available Materials
of Construction
Carbon steel
Stainless steel
End Connections Available
Flat face Flanged
Raised face Flanged
Butt Weld
1” to 14”
#150 to #300
Application of Y Type
Process Industry
Power Industry
Chemical Industry
Oil and Gas Industry
Pulp and Paper
Metals and Mining
Water and Waste